Alfa Romeo Giulia / Quadrifoglio side & over the top Stripes
Fits all Giulia models and Quadrifoglio
Exact replica / Spec / size of Factory Stripes
Scanned from genuine parts
Pre cut to size and shape for each panel, no trimming is required
Front Bumper spacer included that aligns to badge giving perfect spacing
Rear boot Stripe has spacer registrations for rear Spoiler and none Spoiler models
Full kit has two colour version "Alfa Romeo Racing" pillar Decals, Black text for light paint
and White text for dark paint
Hexis Suptac 10 year exterior automotive vinyl
Quality paper application tape applied and pre spaced for panel alignment
Application Squeegee supplied
If you require a specific colour from our full range:
please select custom colour
On purchase note "Add instruction to order" state your colour code